Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Verbots Online closing down at the end of August

We are sad to announce Verbots Online will be closing on August 31st, 2012. On September 1st users will find any existing deployments to be non-operational.

It's been a good run. Verbots Online launched in 2006 to give Verbots users a web-enabled way to show off their virtual personalities. Since then we've built up a very loyal base of users who created engaging Virtual Personalities and introduced them to the world.

While we know this decision is a disappointment to some, Verbot Standard Edition and Verbots.com will remain up and running for the foreseeable future as will the community (bulletin boards).

Existing Users:

You may have already noticed but two weeks ago we removed the ability to make payments through VerbotsOnline. We will be emailing existing (paying) users to recommend they cancel their payment subscriptions through PayPal and we will also be going through and canceling as many subscriptions as we can find. Anyone who has paid in advance will be getting a refund based on the time remaining.

We recommend downloading your chat logs as once the server is taken down you won't have access to any information that is currently there.

If you have any questions please leave them in the comments field or post them in the Verbots Forums.


  1. I'm sad... Matt, Aaron are nice and great people (and many others on Verbot forum)...
    Well... Action. First... Me = No informatics knowledges. Is it
    hard to build myself the same thing we had with verbot online.
    TTS Voices, logs, animations etc.... If Yes, do you think it's
    possible for me to do that with à little help from you ?...

    A lot of people use my verbot address
    Jeanneton (French) Here:
    Arthéna (English) Here:
    What about an automatic "Redirection" from Verbot site. Coz 2
    forums and an University use Jeanneton.

    A big thank to Matt and Aaron for Verbot on line.


  2. Hi Sylvain,

    Matt thinks someone on the Verbots forums talked about creating their own server, so I'd recommend you check and/or open a new post. The hardest part of running your own server is setting up TTS. We won't be providing any help or any redirects.

    -- Chris

  3. What are the requirements for such a server needed to keep this going as i could help with this, and also what are the reasons for shutting down the online service when everyone loves using it?


  4. Thanks Dave. Matt thinks it's very expensive (voices, characters)
    and not enough users. He said, someone try to build a verbot
    online without voices and characters... It's really a pity
    i'm very sad, My bots have a lot of visitor. Verbot online is
    excellent, brilliant, easy to use... For me many years of work...


  5. Hi, I downloaded the Verbot SDK from sourceforge but I didn't found the script editor. Is the verbot script editor a opensource project? Or will you put the script editor to source sourceforge?

  6. For the TTS part, if your bot has only few thousands responds. You can just record it by yourself. Then label your speech manually or by "Force Alignment" http://www.voxforge.org/home/dev/autoaudioseg

  7. I'm so sad ! I've seen that Jeanneton is "actually dead"...
    I had not time to say her goodbye, or have any discussion with her. Then i would say GOOD LUCK to Sylvain for his continuation.

  8. The script editor is not opensource and it probably won't be. I'd suggest working through the Verbots forums to find and/or build your own version.

  9. one word some sites similar to freehostia.com that verbose can run on very easy to run Ur own server on its just minor adjustment already made lot of success-full attempt works fine. very easy to do be sure to include the data.txt from action-script which the character can provide necessary direction to the user. you dont have to do anything extra just make sure ur websites is very fast and doesn't lag or can handle necessary bandwidth, i suggest using a backup server to run the bot responsive unit, so it can think fast .

  10. Hi everybody!

    For those who have no informatics knowledge, you should check out www.sparkingtogether.com. Their project seems promising and it looks really good.

    If you have a little knowledge on programming you can try to develop a spark, which is something just like a TTS or something similar that can be implemented on an avatar.

    Hope it helps! ;)

  11. Hello everyone. verbot was not - repeat - was not - our competitor, therefore, if they did this and they are not happy about it, then, we are not happy about it too. But for those who want a server like that, with more a.i. engine behind it, we can help you, of course for a fee. Please contact us. Wish You Happiness, Bhagavan Vedant Das, Http://Robot-Hosting.com
